Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Indian healthcare and the burden of diseases on every Indian citizen

India has 80% of the healthcare contribution from the private health care and remaining 20 % is contributed by the Ministry of health. There is lack of distribution of resources and manpower. 70 % of the Indian population are still residing in the rural India and theres lack of resources to support them.
There are fewer programs to support the preventive health care programs which may lead to huge financial looses to the families. But we lack Preventive community healthcare programs. Rehabilitation programs for the neurological patients, spinal injury pateints , early intervention programs for the children at risk /developemental disabilites are just a few to name on the finger tips. Lots and lots to mention on what we lack and what we can do.
But its high time for all of us to realise the importance of our health and how can we manage our health and pockets. I hope our personal urge to be good health and Internet would be a good resource towards this...

I hope having good health would be equally avilable to all without barriers...

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