Monday, November 12, 2012


One important point to start the blog was to share information on various health related policies, so that we may integrate physios in the main stream with all the policies. I had been working on recommendation to various policies before(on health council) and recently there is this draft of the - Persons with Disability Policy 2012. As Physiotherapist and other allied health professionals play a major role towards the rehabilitation process. We may look into our own discipline and look if this is something that would provide a better Quality of Life(QOL) of persons with Disability. The new bill also includes various clinical neurological conditions where we have disability. But I am sure that there are much more changes that could be made in this policy. I am working for a new draft where in their is also an equal participation for the persons with disability for health seeking behavior. Any of your comments would be recommendable. Need your own insights and perspective on this issue. Let us not make it just a draft bill, which never turns to reality.

The detailed information on the draft bill is below-

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